Provides coordinated non-emergency medical and general public transportation to eligible residents in Mecklenburg County. 704-336-4547 Transportation Services takes great pride in providing reliable and safe transportation services to students in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools.Welcome to NC Quick Pass! You can find all the resources you need to create a new account, pay your tolls, and find more information. Find Local Rules and Forms that provide procedures and guidelines for courts in Mecklenburg County. Learn how to respond from the sample letter on this page. Information Request Letter Sample. Fill out and return your completed and signed application via mail, email, or fax to your county board of elections. CMS ACTIVE SUBSTITUTE TEACHER PROCESS - SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS NEED TO WORK AT LEAST ONE ASSIGNMENT A MONTH TO STAY ACTIVE IN THE SUB POOL. The mission of Crisis Assistance Ministry is to provide assistance and advocacy for people in financial crisis, helping them move toward self-sufficiency.