We have created two guides for accepted students to help you through the process of enrolling in and beginning classes at NCC. Student registrations are handled at each school and require specific documentation from the student and parent.Edu or fax it to (516) 572-7701. The following information on qualifications and eligibility for both US and international medical graduates will help you decide to apply. To apply for an In-County Transfer please complete the "Student Request for Transfer In-County" form and submit to the principal of the receiving school. Upon agreement, the School Board will then issue a Reservation Letter, after which the County can issue a Certificate of Concurrency. Fill in the information on both sides of this form carefully and accurately. They should be able to register him whenever they move into the district. We registered our kids during the summer break when we moved up here. An admissions letter is a note that colleges and other programs send to notify students that they earned acceptance.