Print, read, and complete the card application and cardholder agreement. For documents intended for use in foreign countries, the country of destination determines whether the authentication is an Apostille or Certification.Thousands of Post Offices accept first-time passport applications for the US Department of State. Most of those locations can also take your passport photo. The operators are required to confirm the identity of customers before boarding, and the customer must show either: A CCT Key card; A CCT ID card. A consent form (DS-3053) must be filled out for each passport when only one parent is present. It must be notarized. If you have unpaid tolls with the PA Turnpike, you may be at risk of having your vehicle registration suspended. Entitlement you would like to be paid directly to your government travel card. Visas pamphlet; Verification Letter (acceptance letter from IUP Education Abroad); Country-specific information.