A judge can continue a case without a finding without the agreement of the prosecutor. A continuance without a finding (CWOF) means that you agree that the prosecution has evidence against you without fighting the case.A defendant admits that the facts contained in the police report are true and that they could be found guilty. How can I request an emergency continuance in an ongoing family law matter without my present council knowing in Clark County, Washington, USA? A CWOF that was completed is present on your CORI report. Either side can ask the court for a continuance, or the judge can order a continuance independently if they feel that it is necessary. A continuance without a finding, or CWOF, is exactly what the words mean. After accepting a CWOF, the court will place you on probation and impose several conditions of supervision. There is no difference in the eyes of the United States Government between a CWOF and a guilty finding. What is a CWOF in a Criminal Case?