Trial court has a right to exercise sound discretion in passing on motions for continuance, and an order granting or denying a continuance will not be reversed. I am the Respondent in the above-styled case and am filing this, my Motion for Continuance and set forth the following in support: 1.Best to file this in writing with the clerk of the court AND send a copy to the other side. To have your TVB case continued or to request a bench or jury trial you may go the following link until 3 p.m. Requests for continuances, the following is the policy of the Superior Court of Fulton County concerning continuances in criminal cases:. Office hours are from am - pm Monday through Friday. "Good cause" means a very good reason for not being able to get ready for your case or go to your hearing on the schedule date. The granting of a continuance is in the sole discretion of the trial judge. You can: plead guilty and pay the fine, plead not guilty and request a jury trial, or plead Nolo Contendere ("No contest").