If you wish to request a change in the court date, submit your request in writing to the District Court where your trial or hearing will be heard. Best to file this in writing with the clerk of the court AND send a copy to the other side.On motion of any party or on its own initiative, the court may continue or postpone a trial or other proceeding as justice may require. All requests for postponement must be electronically filed in accordance with the MD Rules. All requests must be in motion form. Then he's got to contact the DAs office and ask if they will consent to a continuance. Then he's got to contact the DAs office and ask if they will consent to a continuance. Decisions regarding whether or not to order continuances in cases and postpone them are within the discretion of the trial judge. Your having been in the hospital should qualify. Official Maryland Judiciary Forms - If you can't find a form to use, you'll need to create your own based on samples you find in the Law Library.