A continuance shall be granted only when based upon cause and only when necessary to insure that the interests of justice are served. Any request for a trial continuance shall be in the form of a written motion, with notice to all parties.A motion for the continuance of a trial, evidentiary hearing, or other proceeding will be granted only for good cause. Best to file this in writing with the clerk of the court AND send a copy to the other side. You fill out and file Small Claims form SC150. Look at the California Judicial Council forms and scroll down to Form SC - 150 (Request to Postpone Trial). To request a continuance of a hearing, the Judicial Council has created the FL-306 Request to. You need to ask the court for the continuance as soon as possible and provide as good a reason for the continuance as you can. There is no guarantee that the judge will grant your request for continuance at the hearing. If an individual violates probation, the probation officer will file a motion to revoke the CWOF and the case will proceed to a guilty finding.