All motions to continue trial or strike trial dates, even if agreed, must be set on calendar. All requests for court continuances must be filed at least five (5) working days prior to the court date.Go on the website for the MiamiDade clerk of court and you should find a link to instructions for efiling. ▫ Clerks may assist the public with filling out. Best to file this in writing with the clerk of the court AND send a copy to the other side. Here is s form you can modify and file for a continuance. Katherine Fernandez Rundle, the first Cuban-American State Attorney in Miami-Dade and Florida, is committed to administering Smart Justice. Parties may submit agreed orders to extend deadlines if the extension does not alter later dates in the case management order. This disclaimer sets out the limit of services from selfhelp program and court staff. Fill out all sections of this form except the Order section and file it with the Clerk of the.