(C) A motion for a continuance shall not be granted unless good cause and proper diligence is demonstrated. No party shall be granted a continuance of a trial or hearing without a written motion from the party or counsel stating the reason for the continuance.A continuance is when the court grants a request to delay a hearing, trial, or other legal proceedings until a later date. Continuance Without a Finding (CWOF) is common in cases where the evidence supports a guilty finding. Where circumstances give rise to a compelling need for a continuance, a motion to vacate the trial date should be filed promptly. You can file a Motion for continuance if you have good cause that prevents you from attending court. Please refer to Local Rule 4.20 (PDF). If you cannot make it to court on the trial date, you may request a continuance to reschedule the hearing to a future date. You can also find a sample motion for continuance on the Ohio Supreme Court website.