A continuance without a finding (CWOF) means that you agree that the prosecution has evidence against you without fighting the case. A CWOF that was completed is present on your CORI report.A defendant admits that the facts contained in the police report are true and that they could be found guilty. If you or the other side want to ask the court to do something in a case, you must ask in written court papers called a Motion or an Order to Show Cause. Generally whether or not to grant a continuance is within the discretion of the trial Court. If an individual violates probation, the probation officer will file a motion to revoke the CWOF and the case will proceed to a guilty finding. After accepting a CWOF, the court will place you on probation and impose several conditions of supervision. What is a CWOF in a Criminal Case? The granting of a continuance is in the sole discretion of the trial judge. If you do not have a lawyer and are representing yourself in a case, use these simplified instructions to help you fill out the Military Affidavit form.