All motions for continuances of the trial shall be filed and noticed pursuant to the instructions on the Order Setting Trial prior to the trial date. Good cause must be shown to get a continuance.The judge decides what is good cause. Below is a list of forms that you may download for free from our website. You can file a written response to the Motion to Continue, calling it something like an "Objection" or "Opposition. If you are unable to appear on the court date, you may file a request for a continuance, in writing, no less than two business days prior to the court date. Felony Court divisions are mainly located in downtown West Palm Beach at the Main Judicial Complex. Best to file this in writing with the clerk of the court AND send a copy to the other side. Know that a court generally does not appreciate somebody just showing up asking for a continuance. A jury convicted him of aggravated battery and misdemeanor battery.