The court shall grant a continuance only if extraordinary circumstances exist and the delay is indispensable to the interests of justice. Step 1: Complete the Motion for Temporary Order without Notice.â–« Fill in the information requested about you at top, left, and the case caption. Best to file this in writing with the clerk of the court AND send a copy to the other side. A request for continuance must be made no less than five (5) days prior to the scheduled hearing date and shall not be granted absent a showing of good cause. Deferred prosecution is a voluntary diversion program that enables the state to redirect the case from criminal prosecution to a course of rehabilitation. The courts listed in the table below allow schools to give extensions on their behalf. If your court is listed below please contact a school directly. Repeated requests, made without good cause, will be denied. Send a clear written notice; Fill out the forms; Serve the tenant; Attend the trial; Wait for judgment.