In addition to the proper demand for jury trial, a deposit of advance jury fees is required at least 25 days prior to the date set for trial. (1) The proximity of the trial date;.(2) Whether there was any previous continuance, extension of time, or delay of trial due to any party;. At ______ in Department ______ of the Superior Court of San Bernardino. You should submit the documents in item 9 to the court no later than five court days before the hearing date set on the Request for. A "motion for a continuance" is a request asking the judge to make an order changing your hearing date. You should promptly give Ex Parte Notice before 10 a.m. Tomorrow morning for an Ex Parte hearing for a continuance the day after tomorrow. First, don't wait until 8hrs before a court appearance to ask for advice. Especially if you can't ask coherently.