An application for a court order extending the time to serve a pleading must be filed before the time for service has elapsed. This HowTo Guide addresses the steps for filing and serving motions in general civil cases in Santa Clara Superior Court.A lawyer should agree to reasonable requests for extensions of time or continuances without requiring motions or other formalities. A "motion for a continuance" is a request asking the judge to make an order changing your hearing date. Continuances. A scheduled motion may be continued only upon application to the judge who is to hear the motion, upon a showing of good cause. A continuance may be granted only if there is good cause, and shall be confirmed in writing. You may need to include a caption with the case name, case number, and court information. Once you have prepared the motion, file it with the court clerk. A scheduled motion may be continued only upon application to the judge who is to hear the motion, upon a showing of good cause. In a Domestic Violence Prevention Act proceeding, an application may be made without notice pursuant to Family Code section 6300.