If you are unable to appear on your court date, you may file a request for a continuance, in writing, no less than two business days prior to the court date. All civil continuance requests must be submitted in writing.The court's Request for Court Action Form is available to use for continuance requests. The court may require the defendant to appear on the date when the trial or hearing was originally scheduled as a condition of any continuance granted. Continuances are tricky. In some cases, it seems like things are forever getting continued. Any additional requests must be submitted in writing, stating the grounds for the request. The party requesting the continuance must make arrangements for the Commonwealth Attorney and defense counsel (or pro se defendant) to be on a conference call. Continuances must be requested in advance using the Court's Continuance Motion Form. Submit the fully completed and signed form to the Clerk's Office via fax (804-501-4756), mail (P.