9.06 In most cases, a suspension shall be set for a period of time ranging from one (1) day to two (2) weeks, depending on the type of offense. • Misdemeanor possession of up to four ounces of marijuana.Officers should contact the Court Liaison Detail at (210). 335-2108 with any court-related question or problem. . This guide will help explain what to do if you can't get ahold of your Bexar County Probation Officer or Bexar County Community Supervision Officer. It also allows you to deny ever having been arrested for any arrest that is expunged. This should keep it from showing up on background checks. I have chosen to pursue treatment and services in the Felony Mental Health Pretrial Diversion (Felony MHPTD). Attorney Dayna L. Jones is skilled at navigating the Texas and federal court systems. Ms. Jones assists people in criminal matters throughout Bexar County.