To post bail, you must have personal identification and the incarcerated person's New York State Identification (NYSID) or Book and Case number. To post bail, you must present personal identification and provide the New York State Identification (NYSID) or Book and Case number of the person to be bailed.Bail can also be paid using a credit card at the courthouse, online, or at a kiosk in a correctional facility, but only if a judge has set "credit card bail.". An LLC treated as a sole proprietorship must report its business income and expenses on the member's New York State personal income tax returns. Bail can be paid in person at Department of Correction facilities. Please be advised that online bail payment is unavailable. The NYS Surety Bond Assistance Program provides technical and financial assistance to help contractors secure surety bonding. The court will send a letter to the bail bonds company telling them of his absence. Is complete, subject to any detainers. ➢ Unsecured Personal Bond (without collateral security).