File a reappointment of campaign treasurer (Form DS-DE 9) with the filing officer along with a copy of the letter of resignation or removal. When an employee submits a resignation form or letter, the location is responsible for creating the termination action.We are a diverse and progressive organization comprised of 5,200 employees and more than 50 different agencies. • I understand that violation of this agreement may result in corrective action, up to and including immediate termination, or legal prosecution. Instead a vacancy occurs upon the submission of the resignation, stated to be effective immediately, to the proper authority. It is the purpose of this Agreement to promote harmonious relations between the County and its employees and to establish an orderly and peaceful procedure. Retiring bargaining unit members leaving in "good standing", who meet the requirements outlined in Section 17.1 and who do not participate in the BSO Group. Government shall go into immediate effect. The first thing you should say to the officer is, "Hello officer.