For California purposes, the corporation must complete the California Schedule M-1. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: California's indoor heat protections go into effect immediately and apply to most indoor workplaces.Once the indoor temperature reaches 82 degrees, employers would have to give workers water and access to cooling areas. California employers must protect their workers from the hazards of excessive heat exposure. The new rule applies to all indoor work areas where the temperature reaches 82 degrees, which presents numerous challenges for California employers. The use of nocontact temperature taking devices can be an important part of a company's returntowork program, but companies should fully vet these devices. The proposed regulation would require an indoor heat illness plan to address temperatures above 82 degrees in indoor spaces. California is finally set to approve a workplace safety rule to protect employees from excessive heat indoors. Why is it five years late? Explore Lennox comfort and energy-efficient solutions for heating and cooling your space.