Don't put in a two weeks. As soon as your onboarding is complete and you have a scheduled first day of training you quit without notice.It's best to tell your boss that you're moving on to the next step in your career "facetoface or over video call," with at least two weeks' notice. We share strategies for providing verbal resignation notice to your employer, composing a resignation letter and preparing coworkers for your departure. Clearly state your intention to leave and when you will be leaving. While it is traditional to have a two week notice, it is possible to give more or less time. As the name implies, in your 2-week notice letter, you notify your employer that you'll be leaving your role in 14 days. Generally, you should give your employer a two-week notice before quitting. Your two weeks notice is about helping them prepare for your absence. It's a professional courtesy, not something you owe them.