If you submit a two-week notice notice and they say no we don't need it you can leave now, can they say that you quit or that you got fired at unemployment? Please accept my sincerest apologies for being unable to provide you and the Davidson Team with a notification that includes a minimum two-week notice.It is legal for you to give a one day notice, or no notice at all, unless you are contractually obliged to do so. The recommended timeline for providing a resignation letter is at least two weeks prior to your planned last day. You dont have to fill out any form regarding 2 weeks notice. At-will employees can quit at any time, due to any circumstance — although two weeks' advance notice is usually the expectation. I will go over a step-by-step resignation template letter you can use, how to structure it and provide examples of resignation letters. Short, polite, to the point. "This note is to inform you that I have chosen to end my employment with XXXXX, effective immediately (today's date)." You want to give at least a two weeks' notice.