No retiree will be permitted to participate in a second County retirement system. d. Professional resignation letter examples for different reasons.Free templates and writing guide to resign on a positive note without feeling awkward. II. Scope: This policy will apply to all house staff enrolled in a post-graduate program at Inova Fairfax Medical Campus. I Found My Employee's Resignation Notice on Her Desk—Is This Considered Notice? Posted on August 3, 2016. Circuit Court fillable forms allow you to enter information on a form while displayed in Adobe Acrobat and then print the completed form out. Leaving a job is a huge life decision and can be stressful, especially when you need to leave without notice. An immediate resignation letter is exactly what it sounds like a for normal way of resigning without providing the standard 2 weeks notice. If you're about to quit a job, your first instinct may be to run out of your employer's doors and never be seen again.