The purpose of this document is to demostrate the steps to Resign a Director. Director resignations must be submitted to CIPC and can be filed directly through InfoDocs.If you want to resign a Director, click on No New Directors. 9. Complete the required fields relating to the new Director, and click on Save. CIPC will incrementally be recommencing back office processing services for Companies and Intellectual Property and all related services. Sector or Industry Sectors, as applicable, may elect a successor director to fill the impending vacancy prior to the effective date of the resignation, in. DeFontes acknowledged Ken Peterson's resignation earlier in the year, and thanked him for his invaluable service as chair of the Committee. In the Facilities Department's 10-year plan, Cormier moved storm-drainage repair at the Music Hall from FY23 to FY25. File your beneficial ownership today and keep your company active and compliant. Tive directors whose names and biographies are set out in the.