To write a short notice resignation letter, include your position and effective date, explain your reason and express gratitude. These top samples of resignation letters for personal reasons can be used as helpful templates when you are looking to resign due to personal circumstances.Learn how to write a short notice resignation letter with samples. Find a solution to the challenge of resigning on short notice. To write a resignation letter in case of an emergency, include the name of the company, your manager's name, and your name in the letter. Simply write that you're leaving for "personal reasons" after stating your intent to resign and your last day of employment with the company. Franklin Pierce (November 23, 1804 – October 8, 1869) was the 14th president of the United States, serving from 1853 to 1857. The U.S. Supreme Court has expanded the anti-retali- ation provisions of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include workers who report. His reputation in the North suffered further during the American Civil War as he became a vocal critic of President Lincoln. Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama, LLC (CONSENT), No. 10cv00103 - Document 33 (M.