When incorporating your company you must register every director and shareholder, and arrange for each to sign and return a consent form. This Director Resignation provides the form and wording required for a director to resign formally.This article will outline the steps to successfully resign as a company director, including requirements in the Companies Act 1993. If you need more information about this Act, please contact the administering agency: Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment. Limited liability companies are subject to tax on their taxable profits. Trade, Chair of Tourism New Zealand, Chair of the Innovation Programme for Tourism Recovery,. And while 25 years ago day school fees made up 10pc of high earners' disposable income, today it costs a third. (KTEN) — Brandon Jacks, the sports information director for Madill High School, died Monday. Is Resignation Really the Answer?. Meeresschildkröte. Westpac New Zealand LimitedDirector (Chair from March 2015).