Needs to be lumber 2 X 6 or 2 x 8 or 2 x 10. Decking will not work, to thin.At King Plastic, we are the leading manufacturer of quality polymer sheets, giant slabs, and massive shapes since 1968 and partner with distributors worldwide. Polyester resins are not necessarily the best choice for waterproofing plywood, marine or otherwise. Epoxy is a much better, but more expensive, option. King StarBoard is the original marine-grade high-density polyethylene sheet and the leading brand in the marine industry. 2024 Katia svizzero fotoflexer. HELM OF KING HELMâ„¢. New. The board are lengthwise, 1x4 down the middle and 1x6s to fill out the rest of the deck. One side is planed smooth and expect some knot holes to extend completely through and some were filled with a pinkish resin.