The short answer is that an atwill employee is not required to provide two weeks' notice before quitting. It's fine to resign in person, but follow it up in writing.It's 2 weeks notice, not 14 business days. 10 business days is 2 weeks. A common misconception is that two weeks' notice is a legal requirement. There is no federal or Arizona law that makes this a requirement. First and foremost, your twoweek notice should communicate that you will resign from the company on such date, effective immediately. You have documented that you chose to leave (were not fired) and that you did provide 2 weeks (or whatever amount) notice of your departure. "Constructive discharge" occurs when an employer makes working conditions so difficult, unpleasant, or outrageous that an employee is forced to quit. There are no federal or state laws that require an employee to provide two weeks' notice to his or her employer before quitting.