To start any type of corporation in Massachusetts, you must file Articles of Organization with the Secretary of the Commonwealth. From e-filing and paying to understanding the different types of corporate excise taxes, this guide has you covered.All business corporations organized under the laws of the Commonwealth, except those dissolved prior to July 1, 2004, file on the forms provided below. To form a corporation in Massachusetts, you must file articles of organization with the Secretary of State. Most corporations pay a corporate excise to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on their fumiture, fixtures, equipment and inventory so they are exempt from. A corporation is subject to combination irrespective of whether the corporation is actually subject to tax under section 2, 2B, 32D, 39 or 52A. Each corporation must continuously maintain a registered office and a registered agent in the commonwealth. 156D §5.01 states that corporations must continuously maintain a registered agent in the commonwealth. Every Massachusetts corporation must have an agent for service of process in the state (called a "registered agent"). Although the machinery of a corporation used in the conduct of business is taxable as personal property. (See.