Give notice immediately and give them 3 weeks. If they want to ef around with your vacation, you can say that it's take it or leave it for you.Employee shall send a written notification to the supervisor at least 2 weeks in advance of resignation. 2. The short answer is 'no'though two weeks may be necessary if you signed an employment agreement. Administrative Leave. 01. It is customary to provide two weeks notice, but check your employer's policies to see if they require more or less notice. If the 30 day notice is a condition of receiving the PTO, that is legally permissible, so long as it is not being denied on account of illegal discrimination. When To Provide a Resignation Letter. The recommended timeline for providing a resignation letter is at least two weeks prior to your planned last day. Dear Board Members: Please accept my resignation from the Miami-Dade County Public Schools for the following reason(s):.