"Learn the essential steps and tips for writing a professional two weeks notice resignation letter. While it's generally seen as a courtesy to provide a twoweek notice, it's not a legal requirement unless specified in an employment contract or company policy.I am writing to inform you of my two weeks notice. Effective August 18th will be my last day. Mark off 10 working days from the day that you're giving your notice to your last day, and pencil that in your calendar. Basically, "a thank you to your current company for the opportunity" and "a departure date" two weeks from the email. If a employee wrote a involuntary resignation letter with a two week notice will she qualify for unemployment in Michigan? When To Provide a Resignation Letter. The recommended timeline for providing a resignation letter is at least two weeks prior to your planned last day. If you're giving a two weeks' notice, your effective date is two business weeks after the day you send the letter.