Get the answers to our FAQs – or most frequently asked questions – regarding billing, service, water use and general topics. Service lines installed in trenches with sewer or gas lines will not be connected.We specialize in commercial zero-tolerance snow removal and ice control in Middlesex County NJ. Parking lot snow plowing, sidewalk clearing, deicing. Registration forms must be completely filled out and submitted prior to the start of the class. NO WALK-INS WILL BE PERMITTED! The 2016 Reorganization Meeting of the Mayor and Council was held at the above place on the above date at p.m. One drill application must be filled out completely and submitted for each drill requested. While OSHA and unions have made progress in reducing many workplace hazards, significant new hazards have emerged, and OSHA has not always kept pace with them. ▫ a description of the property the tenant is renting;. ▫ the length of time the tenant will be allowed to live in the unit;.