Every bond, recognizance, or undertaking required or permitted to be made, given, tendered, or filed for the security or protection of the state. Information for Bail Bonding Agents and Agencies conducting business with Minnesota courts.If a single-member LLC does not elect for corporate filing status, the LLC and its owner will be treated as one individual for income tax purposes. If the person is unable to obtain a surety for the bond or unable to deposit money in the amount of the bond, the person must be released on personal bond. Take a look at the current In Custody list. Information on Jail Division including; inmate information; jail services; inmate programs; visiting; history; bail and warrant information. The Secret Service recommends a bank not cash bonds for a customer not established at the bank for at least 12 months. The corporation is not a personal service corporation. Was held and the offense was committed, to fill a vacancy in the office.