Commence your letter with a formal salutation and a concise introductory paragraph. How to write a resignation letter that's effective immediately?In the body of the letter, immediately state your intention to resign and provide your reasoning, including only positive feelings towards your work experience. I am writing to notify you that I am resigning from the role of Sales Engineer with XYZ Corporation. What is a No Notice Resignation Letter? MN: Gave 2-week notice to employer, taken off schedule immediately, now being told they won't pay out my PTO due to not giving 30-day notice. Customer: I gave my letter of resignation to HR. The school board voted to not let me out of my contract. (For example, "I regret to inform you that I will be resigning from my position, effective immediately. (b) A resignation may be made expressly to take effect at a stated future date. Employers may also want to consider the impact an immediate separation would have on remaining employees.