The Clerk of Courts Office can only post bail if the defendant has had a preliminary hearing. Any questions please call, 610.278.3346.To post bail, you must present personal identification and provide the New York State Identification (NYSID) or Book and Case number of the person to be bailed. To post bail, you must have personal identification and the incarcerated person's New York State Identification (NYSID) or Book and Case number. ➢ If no PC is found for all charges, the defendant must be released with no conditions. Required conditions. If its decision results in the detention of the defendant, the court shall state the reasons for its action in writing or on the record. They can be denied bail immediately following their arrest. By Order dated November 12, 2003, the Court of Appeals has amended Rule 4213 to read, effective January 1, 2004, as follows:. The circuit court hears cases involving serious felony crimes.