Bahamian International Business Companies are commonly used as holding companies, to hold bank accounts, financial and commercial titles, international trading. To register as a domestic company, there must be a minimum of two shareholders and two directors, and a registered office in the Bahamas.This form is for general instructions that apply to all corporation tax forms. It includes a variety of topics about how to fill out your form. Easy Banking: Once a new Bahamas corporation is officially registered, it is easy to open a corporate bank account in the Bahamas. Complete a business licence application form. The first part of the form is to register a business name. A business name may be approved within 24 hours. Ultimate guide to register company in Bahamas, including the incorporation process, corporate bank account opening, accounting and tax services and more. A local occupational license is no longer required for the privilege of engaging in business, profession, or occupation within unincorporated Nassau County.