Parts of the Application. This form is broken down into parts, ALL parts must be filled out for this application to be submitted.In completing this form employees will be acknowledging in writing that their second job is subordinate to their employment with Nassau County. Complete your requirements and stay out of trouble until this phase is over and you will likely be able to carry on without ever having served a jail sentence. They will ask a District Court Judge to issue an order for arrest based on the probationer absconding. The lowest degree of the offense is charges as a class A misdemeanor, meaning that the court can order time to be served at sentencing if convicted. After receiving the misdemeanors this person served in the active duty military (army) and was honorably discharged. What's your thoughts? Appointing officer can then decide to leave the positions vacant. Having made application for cerlificaUon or employment as a law enfon:emen correcUonal, or correctional probation officer within the stale of Florida.