Certificate of Resignation of Officer, Director, Manager, Member, General Partner, Trustee or Subscriber One form for all entities. If you're planning to quit your job here is the compilation of the best resignation letter samples to help you easily draft your resignation letter.PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to give guidance on the Probation Department's termination and resignation procedure. Click on 'Job Change' and then 'Resignation'. Complete prompts and select Worker Resignation and select reason; Upload resignation letter. Complete a Resignation from State Service Form and indicate that you will be resigning. The resignation will be submitted in the HCM System and routed to the appropriate department within the Human Resources Division for approval. Fill out security deposit and notices information. This letter informs your landlord of your intent to move out of the rental property. A graduate assistant (GA) who wishes to resign during a contract period should submit a letter of resignation to the department chair.