To post bail, you must present personal identification and provide the New York State Identification (NYSID) or Book and Case number of the person to be bailed. Upon your first appearance in court, a federal magistrate judge will decide if you should be released, with or without bail, or held in jail.Checks should be made out to New York City Department of Correction. As an alternative the accused can post bail from their own jail commissary account. To post bail, you must have personal identification and the incarcerated person's New York State Identification (NYSID) or Book and Case number. In most cases the judge will require a bail in the form of cash or bond. Beginning today, the new laws prohibit judges from imposing cash bail on defendants accused of misdemeanor offenses and nonviolent felonies. For the return of bail the person whose name appears on the bail receipt must bring the following documentation to the Court Clerk's office. If you cannot afford to pay your bail, your bail reduction attorney in New York can file a motion with the court requesting lower bail. An LLC treated as a sole proprietorship must report its business income and expenses on the member's New York State personal income tax returns.