Be sure to state your last day of employment with the company. Some companies choose to pay "two weeks in lieu of notice" when they decide not to let the employee work following notice.The short answer is 'no'though two weeks may be necessary if you signed an employment agreement. It's time to quit the job, and you're not giving two weeks' notice. Here's how to politely write a resignation letter, effective immediately. If you tell your boss or someone in authority you are leaving—and then have second thoughts—you need to speak privately with them immediately. Professional standards usually require two-weeks notice, so leaving more promptly can ruffle feathers and create logistical challenges. Giving a two week notice isn't required; it is merely a professional courtesy. Though it is permissible to quit without providing two weeks' notice, it is almost always a bad decision to do so. A resignation without notice is when an employee resigns from their position without the typical two weeks' notice.