Entity Name (Enter the exact name of the entity from which you are resigning as agent for service of process.) 2. General Partnership: File on paper and submit to our Sacramento office a Certificate of Dissolution (Form GP–4).A director should submit a written resignation letter that notes the effective date of their departure. Enter your name, or if the resigning agent for service of process is a corporation, enter the exact name of that corporation. This guide has been prepared to provide answers to frequently asked questions concerning vacancies in local offices. In most cases, directors are expected to follow the company's bylaws and legal regulations when resigning. Find out what's happening in Sacramentofor free with the latest updates from Patch. Subscribe. Welcome to the County of Sacramento online job opportunities page! He appeared, Deaver had him fill out a job application, reviewed the application, and asked him questions about his prior ex- perience. The completed form along with the applicable fees can be mailed to Secretary of State, Document Filing Support.