Yes. Certificates of formation can be filed online through SOSDirect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Hendershot Cowart P.C. provides guidance on forming corporations, LLCs, and other business entities in Texas.Our San Antonio small business lawyer can help structure a company as a limited partnership, LLC, or corporation. To form a corporation in Texas, there are several steps you must take. Hire Ryan Reiffert, Texas corporation attorney in San Antonio, to help. For a corporation, your business name must include the word "Corporation," "Company," "Incorporated," or an abbreviation thereof. An individual will not be held liable for a corporation's contractual obligations unless the owner fraudulently uses the corporation to gain a personal benefit. In Texas, professional corporations are comprised of groups such as architects, attorneys, certified public accountants, dentists, and veterinarians. General Information. This booklet summarizes the Texas franchise tax law and rules and includes information that is most useful to the.