Employees who are separating employment with DBH must: • Complete and submit all necessary forms and paperwork of separation. An employee wishing to leave in good standing shall file a written resignation with the appointing authority in the form of a Resignation Notice or a letter.Find forms, samples and fees for most business entity filings here. The director of the school district Personnel Commission has resigned, just a few short months after returning to his job, citing "unbelievable circumstances." Human Resources is continuously seeking viable candidates to build a supportive work environment that attracts, develops and retains a diverse work force. The Wrightwood Community Services District (CSD) appointed Kurt Watson to its board of directors on Sept. The executive director of the Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino will leave to accept a similar position at another large housing authority. Human Resources - Classified is committed to providing outstanding customer service in the hiring, training, and retention of the most qualified employees. Human Resources - Classified is committed to providing outstanding customer service in the hiring, training, and retention of the most qualified employees. In that letter, Rogers, 71, wrote that his resignation would be effective Aug.