In the opening paragraph, clearly state that you are resigning from your position. I will go over a step-by-step resignation template letter you can use, how to structure it and provide examples of resignation letters.Under the Texas Education Code, contract employees are required to resign no later than 45 days before the first day of instruction for the school year. Under the Texas Education Code, contract employees are required to resign no later than 45 days before the first day of instruction for the school year. Before retiring, it's customary for teachers to submit a formal letter of retirement to their school or academic institution. Questions about Texas school law? Send your letter certified mail or ask for an email receipt if you are sending your resignation electronically. If you choose to resign, make sure you comply with your district's procedures. Sam Houston State University is committed to helping students complete their education. This letter is to confirm that I am resigning my position as a second grade teacher at Springfield Elementary School at the end of the current school year.