The purpose of this document is to demostrate the steps to Resign a Director. In this article, we define a director resignation letter, provide a template and offer several examples to reference when writing your own.Director resignations must be submitted to CIPC and can be filed directly through InfoDocs. State the name of the entity as currently shown in the records of the secretary of state. 2. It was not lodged with cipc. I have resigned on 7 February 2022, and was informed that I cannot resign bevause the company will fall apart. Sector or Industry Sectors, as applicable, may elect a successor director to fill the impending vacancy prior to the effective date of the resignation, in. It was not lodged with cipc. I have resigned on 7 February 2022, and was informed that I cannot resign bevause the company will fall apart. It is SPP RE's policy and practice to obey the antitrust laws and to avoid all conduct that unreasonably restrains competition.