Just use up the PTO during your notice period and put in your two weeks notice. The 2 weeks is to allow for a graceful wind down and transfer of your responsibilities.It might also allow you to train your replacement. There's also the option to turn your "2 weeks notice" into a "3 weeks notice": state your intention to leave 2 weeks before your PTO starts. When you give notice of resignation, employers generally aren't legally required to allow you to take previously approved vacation time. The law does not require employers to give a worker notice before terminating their job. Your employer is not required to keep you on as an employee when you give 2 weeks notice. Legally speaking, the employee can use eight days of their vacation time for PTO even after they hand in the resignation letter. I am writing to inform you that I will be resigning from my position as (Title) at (Company Name). There are no federal or state laws that require an employee to provide two weeks' notice to his or her employer before quitting.