For the return of bail the person whose name appears on the bail receipt must bring the following documentation to the Court Clerk's office. Detention Without Bail: When a "no bail" warrant is issued, the person is detained without the option to post bail to secure their release.Introduction. The complicated nature of various terms and phrases relating to bail and pretrial release or detention can sometimes lead to confusion. Bail is collateral that someone charged with a crime is required to pledge to ensure that he (or she) will return to court throughout the criminal process. If I was charge with two different charges but the judge gave me a bail bond and I paid it can i be arrested again? What Is a Cash Bond and How Does it Work? A cash bond is a cash amount paid to the judicial system to bail someone out of jail. Find information about filing a case and the process in small claims court. Facsimile filing is permitting in the Wayne Circuit and Wayne Superior Courts. Please give restitution payments 2 weeks after the month end to be received.