A maintenance agreement outlines the steps one party will undertake to insure the upkeep, repair, serviceability of another party's property. Maintenance agreements help reduce your organization's legal liability.A service provider should have insurance to cover them in an accident. A contractual maintenance agreement is a contract under which a service provider agrees to perform maintenance services. Learn what makes a good maintenance contract, how to negotiate one, and how to efficiently manage maintenance agreements and vendors. The facilities maintenance documents are designed to address the business conditions and legal environment of facilities maintenance. An annual maintenance contract is an agreement between a company and a provider that sets expectations for the ongoing maintenance of products or services. Rental and cooperative building owners must keep apartment units and buildings in livable condition and provide needed repairs. Agreements for asneeded services will generally include work associated with discrete building repair or simple building improvements (e.g. The contract also lays out the cost for each of these services, as well as the frequency in which they must be performed.