This is a basic listing agreement or contract if you will uh between you the agent and the seller the homeowner. Yes, you should be able to review what you're going to be signing before you sign it and you absolutely have the right to legal counsel at any time.Curious how to fill out a listing agreement? This video covers the Tennessee Realtor Form Exclusive Right To Sell Listing Agreement. INTRODUCTION: These guidelines are provided to assist an agent who is completing the Exclusive Right to Sell Listing. A quick overview of the Massachusetts Association of Realtors exclusive right to sell listing agreement. The listing agreement requires the seller to pay a commission to the broker if the broker is the procuring cause of a sale during the listing term. Every contract that I have ever read for listing or buying a home states that the compensation is paid to the BROKER! A listing agreement is a legally binding contract between a homeowner and the real estate agent or broker who will be listing the property for sale. If a real estate broker is a party to a transaction (e.g.