Learn how to properly fill out all of the residential listing contract documents and everything associated with it. Almost all are negotiable.Below are seven of the most important issues that the seller can negotiate in the broker's listing agreement. Vehicles are required to be titled in the buyer's name within 30 days from the date of sale. The buyers representation agreement would let the agent show you listings in which the seller covers the commission, but only if you approve. RPO agrees to complete a Rental Property Owner Disclosure (C. A.R. Form RPOD) and Rental Property Owner Questionnaire. (C. It is a contract between a real estate agent or broker and a seller, outlining the terms and conditions under which the agent will market and sell the property. I'm not a real estate agent nor a contract specialist so don't take my word as gold lol. Form RPOD) and Rental Property Owner Questionnaire. (C.