8. The Applicant Issuer agrees to pay when due all fees associated with its listing of securities on the Exchange, in accordance with the Exchange's rules. 9. Listing agreement with the Exchange in a form substantially similar to the agreement relating to ______ between ______, and the Exchange.A listing agreement is a contract between homeowners and brokers that legally establishes how a realtor will find a property buyer on the seller's behalf. 17.06 Recapitalizations. A listing agreement is a contract between a property owner and a real estate broker authorizing the broker to represent the seller and find a buyer. Commercial and securities lawyers can use this document description to understand the purpose, characteristics and key sections of listing agreements. Our CEO certified to the New York Stock Exchange in 2006 that we were in compliance with the NYSE listing standards. Selling property is a major undertaking. For realtors, it requires significant time and effort in a competitive industry.